VIW : Voices of Immigrant Women

Pascale Absi, Monique Selim

Type de programme

Erasmus+ Programme

Date début et fin du programme

01/10/2020 - 30/09/2022

Nom des responsables

  • Pascale Absi
  • Monique Selim


In the present global world, the number of international displacements is increasing as a consequence of "conflicts, persecutions, situations of degradation and environmental change, as a marked lack of opportunities and human security" (Report on Migration in the World, 2017). In the last years, in Europe, migration is at the core of social and political conflicts, around the material costs for the societies and the threat to the national identities. In this context, the United Nations 2030 Agenda (2015) insists of the need to "guarantee the security, order and regularity of migrations, fully respecting Human Rights and providing humanitarian treatment to migrants". Within the above described context the project partnership, mainly representing the Higher Education sector agree on identifying as strategic the role that Universities can play in respect to the migration issue in Europe, in their triple role of research, training and social engagement.

The project partnership identifies in University students a key target group, in order to answer to their need of a more in-depth and holistic comprehension of the gender issues in migration flows, and through that, promoting among them an enhanced civic and social responsibility to make them the protagonists of present and future commitment to migrant women integration in society at large and in Higher education systems. On a broader level the project also identifies and addresses the needs of policy makers in order to raise their awareness and their need of appropriate strategies to deal with migrant women integration and inclusion according to appropriate gender holistic approaches.

For this reason the proposed project aims to set up a Strategic partnership involving 5 Higher education institutions in order to develop activities that, through a transnational perspective, identified as key issue to enhance the comprehension of the multidimensional level of the phenomenon will answer to the need of students of developing better knowledge and awareness, train them through an online training programs on Human Mobility and Gender , and will produce effective policy recommendations addressed to Higher education managerial staff and policy makers. In all the proposed activities (research, training program, dissemination and policy recommendations), the gender approach will be combined with a comprehensive perspective considering the interrelation of factors such as : gender, status, ethnicity, age, religion, origin, political opinion.

The project will produce the following main outputs and related results :
1. Through the Mapping of relevant initiatives taking the form of case studies, the project will provide University students (and policy makers and society at large) with a wider awareness and comprehension of their civic and social role related to migrant women integration. Case studies, will address the holistic and multidimensional understanding of female migration processes, including differences and specificities related to the countries of origin, transit and destination, and all the contextual conditions that affect the migrant women’s trajectories towards different outcomes as successful integration or marginal positions in the receiving society.
2. Through the creation of a transnational and interdisciplinary training program on human mobility, integration and gender, the project will achieve relevant results in terms of promoting the acquisition by higher education students of knowledge, skills and transversal competences, related to cultural diversity and gender issues of migrant women. The e-learning course will prepare students of social sciences to deal with women migrants integration combating discrimination, segregation, racism, bullying and violence, and transversally address the needs of also those students that despite studying for professions non directly linked to migration phenomenon could be asked to face and interact with woman migrants integration issues (e.g. health careers, educators etc.).
3. Through the creation of policy recommendation the project will provide a set of practical oriented intervention proposal to policy makers involved at all level in Higher education and integration of migrants policies.

The project will therefore achieve the following results :

  • Enhance the capacity of Higher Education curricula to prepare students for being future active and aware protagonist of social interventions to promote equity, diversity and integration of women migrants
  • Strengthen the cooperation and the creation of networks between academic organizations and the third sector and public administrations dealing with migrant women integration - Encourage dialogue and the exchange of knowledge to raise awareness about human mobility and gender in Europe and promote social, labour and citizenship participation and integration of the migrant population.

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