
Sujet de Thèse

Mobility, territory and sovereignty through issues of Indigeneity in North America

Directeur de thèse :

Laurent Faret
Daniel Sabbagh

Axes :

Axe thématique 1 : S’approprier, contester, lutter : spatialité, domination, violence
Axe thématique 4 : Savoirs : acteurs, pouvoirs, territoires

Résumé de thèse

Indigenous mobilities and perspectives of land and belonging have yet to be thoroughly included in research on bordering processes and logics of exclusion. In political theory, discussions on the right to migrate and nation-states’ right to exclude have seldom considered the issue in light of the specificities of Indigeneity and its relation to the state. This research aims to discuss the contemporary mobility-sovereignty nexus in relation to the border struggles and transnational mobilisations of indigenous peoples whose traditional territories are divided by the Mexico-US and Canada-US borders. It will draw on comparative ethnographic fieldwork and in-depth interviews among indigenous organisations and tribes across the two borderlands.